When I was growing up there was a picture hanging in many homes and churches that depicted Christ standing at a door and knocking. Many times, if not all the time, the Scripture reference taken from Revelation 3:20: Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me; was displayed on the picture.
Many pastors and evangelist would use that picture and verse as an illustration in their sermons. They would use the picture and Scripture to tell the lost in the audience that Christ was standing at their heart’s door and knocking and asking to come into their hearts and save them.
Although many of these men were sincere in their challenge, I believe the verse is speaking to the lukewarm hearts of believers, not to the lost. The verse appears in the passage where God is speaking to the seventh church addressed in the first three chapters of Revelation. This last church is the church of Laodiceans. What He says to this church in verses 15-19 makes it very clear He is speaking to believers.
And sad to say Christ is still sincerely concerned in 2018 at the lukewarmness that seems to permeate His church today.
Because of that condition in the local churches, I feel it is very necessary from time to time to have an evangelist come into our churches and challenge all present to once again get on fire for the Lord.
After all, II Chronicles 7:14 is not just for the children of Israel but also for us today to consider.
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
March 30 thru April 1 this year we plan on having Evangelist Dan Brubaker with us. We have been praying for some time now that the Lord would lay on his heart the messages we as a congregation need to hear. We also are praying not only for revival in the church but that we may see sinners saved during our time together.
If you are reading this post today and you are a Christian, please pray with us for the same outcome we desire. If you are free, joins us for our services. We would be glad to have you visit.