The 1st Epistle of Peter was written to suffering saints, scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia. Peter writes this epistle to encourage them spiritually – We all need encouragement from time to time – and Peter, of all of the apostles knew what it was like to be discouraged. Peter, as you may know, was a colorful individual. Many times Peter opened his mouth only to put his foot in it, but in spite of his weaknesses, the Lord loved Peter dearly! Peter had experienced many times of disappointment and discouragement, but now he reaches out to encourage these suffering saints who are scattered and discouraged. All because the Lord had melted his heart. Five times Peter uses the word “Precious” in 1 & 2 Peter. This is a strange word coming from a fisherman – yet it is a word of great encouragement to those who have been discouraged.
Precious Trials of Our Faith (1 Peter 1:5-7)
It is encouraging to know that we are “kept (guarded) by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.” What we experience in this life is meant to prepare us for the life to come in heaven. Why then do believers face fiery trials??? Peter uses the word “trials” instead of tribulations or persecutions because he is dealing with “general problems” experienced by believers. The ultimate purpose of such trials is to bring praise and honor and glory to Christ! (vs. 7) No wonder Peter states that the Trials of our faith are Precious.
Precious Blood of Christ (1 Peter 1:18-22)
Peter encouraged these saints by reminding them of the fact that they are redeemed by the Precious Blood of Christ! If our salvation was based upon our own merit or whether or not we felt like a Christian in the midst of trials, then we would all have our doubts. The greatest evidence and assurance of our salvation is our unfeigned & fervent LOVE for other believers which Peter points out in verse 22.
Precious Stone & Savior (1 Peter 2:4-10)
Peter emphatically uses the word – “Stone” – several times to describe our Precious Lord. Christ is a “Living Stone” – because He was raised from the dead in victory. Christ is the “Chosen Stone” – because He was chosen of the Father before the foundation of the world to offer Himself a sacrifice for sins. Christ is a “Precious Stone” – because He alone can save us from our sins – and will save all who trust in His finished work on the Cross. Christ is the “Stumbling Stone” – because the Jews would not accept Him as the Messiah foretold. They stumbled in unbelief and had Him crucified as a blasphemer. Christ is the “Corner Stone” – because He is the chief corner on which the Church is being built. Christ will one day be the “Smiting Stone” – because He will come back and smite all who reject His offer of salvation!
Precious Faith (2 Peter 1:1)
Our Faith Is Precious because of the Precious Person of Our Faith! Our Faith in Christ is Precious because “without Faith it is impossible to please God.” Our Faith in Christ is Precious because when we trust in Him, we can secure Three Things no one else can supply – Righteousness, Grace, and Peace!
Precious Promises (2 Peter 1:4)
What Promises have we received? Where Can We Find Them? The Precious Word of God! God has not only given us all we need for life and godliness, but He has also given us His Precious Word to enable us to develop this life and godliness. They are Precious because we could never calculate their worth. Have you been discouraged?
Have you been facing fiery trials of your faith? Remember the Precious Things Peter wrote to these suffering, scattered, saints.