Paul organized many churches and his interest in them never ceased! This was only natural! He had put much blood, sweat, and tears into them. Some of these churches pleased him; some of them disappointed him. It seems that the church at Philippi was his favorite! I believe Paul may have felt that the church at Philippi represented the crowning work of his life, and of course, it brought him great joy! There are at least some people in every church like these Philippian Christians! And many in ours that the church could not get along without! Who are they?
The Church could not do without faithful people!
The Bible nowhere commends anyone for greatness or brilliance, but rather for faithfulness! Matt.25:21 – “Well done thou good and faithful servant …….” So my prayer is, “God, keep sending us faithful Christians!” We need people who are faithful in giving, attendance, Christian living, in serving, in witness!
The Church could not do without willing people!
“The best ability is availability!”
The Church could not do without people of vision!
We need first a vision of the needs ABOUT us. All around us there are unsaved and unchurched people by the thousands!
We need a vision of the needs about US! In-reach is just as important as outreach. We must care for our children, for our fellow members, and for their children, and work to meet the needs within as well as without.
The Church could not do without optimistic people!
The optimist says, “By God’s help, we will do that!” (Phil. 4:13) Moses sent 12 spies into Canaan, all saw it was good, but 10 of them looked for obstacles… The other two, Caleb and Joshua, looked at the opportunity and said, “This is true, but God is on our side, and with His help we can take the land!” What a difference it would have made if the people would have listened to Caleb and Joshua.
The Church could not do without its promoters!
We need boosters, we need people who are out every day, in every walk of life telling others of the good times to be had in our church! If you want your church to grow and prosper, promote it!
These are just some people our church cannot do without!
Are you faithful?
- Are you willing?
- Do you have a vision for your church?
- Are you optimistic?
- Are you a promoter?