Our main message is the message of the Lord Jesus Christ, who has told us to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Cornerstone Independent Baptist Church is involved in a number of ministries that are used to encourage and strengthen individuals and families in their daily walk with the Lord.
The members that are involved in these ministries are ready to help you grow personally. We believe it is important to serve our Lord in every possible capacity and that it is our responsibility to do so with joy and excitement.
We encourage you to explore each ministry you find on this page and see the many wonderful opportunities that await you here at Cornerstone Independent Baptist Church.
Children & Nursery
Our nursery, 2 & 3 year old class, and the Good News Club for ages 4-12 are staffed by individuals who have a love for children. All those who work with children have child abuse clearances and State Police criminal record clearances.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School is another important means by which we can reach our community with the Gospel. The children learn of God, participate in crafts, and enjoy snacks and games. For the past 15 years we have offered a class for adults and teens. Usually a skit is used to challenge the adults and children at the end of the evening.
Ladies' Luncheon
An annual spring event is the Ladies luncheon. The men cook and serve while the ladies enjoy food, fellowship, and a good speaker who always emphasizes the Gospel message. This is another opportunity for the ladies of the church to invite ladies from our community to once again be encouraged and strengthened through the Word of God.
Men's Retreat
The Independent Bible Church of Duryea, Pennsylvania, has for many years provided a place where men from various churches in this state and surrounding states, can gather in February every year and be challenged from God’s Word by godly speakers. It is a wonderful time of fellowship, encouragement, and praying together. The auditorium echoes with the voices of usually over 100 men singing the hymns of the faith.
Our men always come home refreshed and challenged.